Strawberry Trifle

Strawberry Trifle
2 8-oz pkgs. cream cheese (I used the reduced fat/Neufatchel)
2 c. powdered sugar
1 c. sour cream
1 1/2 t. vanilla extract, divided
1/4 t. almond extract (optional)
1/2 pint whipping cream
4 T. sugar, divided
1 angel food cake, cubed
2 qts. strawberries, sliced.

Cream together cream cheese and powdered sugar. Add sour cream, 1/2 t. vanilla, and almond extract; set aside. Blend whipping cream, remaining vanilla, and one Tbl sugar. Fold into cream cheese mixture. Add angel food cake pieces. Combine strawberries and remaining sugar. In a a large glass bowl, layer strawberries, then cake mixture. Continue layering, ending with strawberries as top.
